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Towards life in a jar

Shashi Thutupalli

National Centre for Biological Sciences

Zorana Zeravic


Chair: Mukund Thattai, NCBS
Q/A at the end of the talk

Durée :

International HFSP-Unistra Symposium Frontier Science at the Interface of Physics and Biology

Du au

Strasbourg College Doctoral Européen, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg

Human Frontier Science Program

Thème(s) : Chimie Physique Biologie Sciences

Sciences fondamentales

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Université de Strasbourg

Opening and Welcome

Introductory talk

Rémi Barillon

Vice Chairperson Research, Doctoral Training and Open Science, UNISTRA

Introductory talk

Pavel Kabat

Secretary General, HFSP

Introductory talk

Daniel Riveline


Invited Tandem Talks

Physics and biology in the early fly embryo

Eric Wieschaus

Princeton University

Bill Bialek

Princeton University

Chair: Guntram Bauer, HFSP
Q/A at the end of the talk

Musical Break

Duo Cello/Violin

Nicolas Hugon

Orchestre Philarmonique de Strasbourg

Charlotte Juillard

Orchestre Philarmonique de Strasbourg

Chair: Daniel Riveline, UNISTRA
Q/A at the end

Invited Tandem Talks

Organising molecules in space using phase separation

T. Hyman

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

F. Jülicher

Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems

Chair: Mukund Thattai, NCBS
Q/A at the end of the talk

Towards life in a jar

Shashi Thutupalli

National Centre for Biological Sciences

Zorana Zeravic


Chair: Mukund Thattai, NCBS
Q/A at the end of the talk