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Molecular Markers: Tools to detect anthropogenic impacts on aquatic environments

M. Hideshige Takada

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Durée :

JSPS Workshop on Water and Urban Environment

Du au

INSA , lyon

JSPS - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Urban water systems (UWS) and their interactions with aquatic environment and ecosystems are key issues for research in both Japan and France. Research focuses on improved understanding of phenomena, processes, modelling and management of UWS, including e.g. transfer of water and pollutants loads in UWS, impacts of discharges of UWS on water bodies, new paradigms for the conception and operation of UWS accounting for sustainability and climate change context.
The aim of this JSPS Workshop is to bring together leading Japanese and French scientists to share recent research results and progress in knowledge on the following selected topics:
• New approaches for the management of urban water cycles and water resources, incl. rainwater harvesting, heat island effect and urban cooling.
• Emissions and transfers of micro-pollutants, emerging substances, pathogens and PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products).
• UWS and climate change adaptation, incl. reduction of energy consumption and of CO2 and GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions, low carbon society.
In addition to scientific communications, the workshop will also be a unique opportunity to establish new links and collaboration projects between French and Japanese research groups active in the field of urban water systems.

Thème(s) : Développement durable - environnement

Sciences fondamentales

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences


Water, Nature and the city : a new deal...

M. Bernard Chocat


Molecular Markers: Tools to detect anthropogenic impacts on aquatic environments

M. Hideshige Takada

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Organic pollutants in urban sewer systems and fate in wastewater treatment plants


Université Paris-Est Créteil