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Laser assisted removal of lining glues from easel paintings

Mme Aurelia Chevalier-Menu

Conservation Scientist, Painting conservator-restorer

Chaireperson : Jacques Castaing

Durée :

« French-Japanese Workshop on Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage »

Du au

Auditorium Marie Curie, CNRS, Paris

La Société Japonaise pour le Patrimoine de la Science (JSPS), le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication et le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) organisent « French-Japanese Workshop on Science
for Conservation of Cultural Heritage ».

l'objectif du colloque est de promouvoir les collaborations entre la France et le Japon dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique appliquée à la connaissance de l'art et de sa conservation.


Thème(s) : Arts et Culture Sciences

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences


An interdisciplinary project for conservation of Mazarin chest

M. Yoshihiko Yamashita

Conservator, Private Conservator of Lacquer Ware

Museum Asian lacquerware: chemical biomarkers of origin and alteration

Mme Anne Solenn Le Hô

Scientist, C2RMF, Paris Research Engineer

Development of oil painting in Japan and its conservation

M. Yuko Tsuchiya

Conservator, Curator of Conservation Division, Tokyo National Museum

Laser assisted removal of lining glues from easel paintings

Mme Aurelia Chevalier-Menu

Conservation Scientist, Painting conservator-restorer


M. Jacques Castaing

Preventive conservation for museum collection

M. Naoko Sonoda

Conservation Scientist, Professor, National Museum of Ethnology

Researches on paper and ink at the CRCC”

M. Bertrand Lavedrine

Scientist, CRCC, Paris Professor, National Museum of Natural History

Concluding remarks

M. Michel Menu

Scientist, C2RMF, Paris, Head of Research Department

M. Yoichi Nakatani

Director of JSPS Strasbourg Office