Pr. Nicola Porro, Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences, University of Cassino and South Lazio - Italy
This symposium aims at analysing the role of citizens in the definitions of public policies regarding Mega-Sports Events (MSE) and more precisely the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Protest movements are increasingly developing against states and cities’ bids to host such events. Yet it is also becoming increasingly common for organizers – and their political leaders – to set up participatory or direct democracy apparatuses to involve citizens in public decisions, in order to make it more attractive and socially acceptable to host them. This scientific gathering revolves around two themes: “Strategies to conquer publics” and “protest movements” that emerge on the occasion of MSE and in particular Olympic and Paralympic Games. This symposium is held by the research unit “Sport and social sciences” of the University of Strasbourg, in relation to the Initiative of Excellence (IdEx) “Citizen’s participation in European bids to host 2024 OPG” led between 2018 and 2020 by Michel Koebel and whose purpose is to analyse the socio-political construction of protests fronts against 2024 Olympic bids in Europe through a study of four cities (France, Germany, Hungary and Italy). Some results of this research program will be presented on this particular occasion.
Pr. Catherine Florentz, Vice-president Research and Doctoral Training, University of Strasbourg
Pr. Michel Koebel, “Sport and social sciences” research unit, University of Strasbourg – France
Pr. Harry Hiller, Department of Sociology, University of Calgary – Canada
Dr. Hugo Bourbillères, Lecturer at the laboratory « Violences Innovations Politiques Socialisations et Sport » (UR 4636) of the University of Rennes 2 – France
Pr. William Gasparini, European Jean Monnet Chair, “Sport and social sciences” research unit, University of Strasbourg – France Pr. Michel Koebel, “Sport and social sciences” research unit, University of Strasbourg – France
Comparative synthesis by Dr. Hugo Bourbillères, Lecturer at the laboratory « Violences Innovations Politiques Socialisations et Sport » (UR 4636) of the University of Rennes 2 – France
Pr. Dr. Wolfgang Maennig, Pr. Wolfgang Maennig, Department of Economics, University of Hamburg - Germany
Dr. César Castilho, Postdoctoral fellow at the Federal University of Paraná, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais (FCMMG) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG) - Brazil
Pr. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schulke, Macromédia Shool, Hambourg – Allemagne
The testimony of Chris Dempsey, co-founder of "No Boston Olympics" – USA
Pr. Nicola Porro, Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences, University of Cassino and South Lazio - Italy