Chairman: Harald Springorum, Partner at Kiani & Springorum law firm (Germany), Coordinator of the DU Patent Litigation in Europe and Tutor at CEIPI (France)
Study the role of the judiciary in the elaboration and implementation of IP law.
Look at the way IP is applied in different court systems, be it in general courts, in specialized IP courts and quasi-judicial bodies as well as in specialized non-IP courts
Draw conclusions on how to ideally design courts in the future so that they can deal with IP in a balanced and most efficient manner/way
Draw conclusions on how to best train the judiciary of an IP court.
Chairman: Christophe Geiger, Professor and Director General of CEIPI (France)
Chairman: Guido Westkamp, Professor at the CCLS at Queen Mary University of London (UK)
Chairman: Harald Springorum, Partner at Kiani & Springorum law firm (Germany), Coordinator of the DU Patent Litigation in Europe and Tutor at CEIPI (France)