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Freedom of Expression and Trademarks: Parody and Misappropriation of Signs

M. Martin Senftleben

Professor of Intellectual Property at the University of Amsterdam and Senior European Consultant at Bird & Bird (Netherlands)

Durée :

14th EIPIN Congress : Human Rights and Intellectual Property: From Concepts to Practice

Du au

Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme , Strasbourg

Université de Strasbourg - CEIPI - Centre d'études internationales de la propriété intellectuelle


Thème(s) : Sciences juridiques

Sciences juridiques et politiques

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences

MODULE III: Looking Closer: Practical Interaction between Human Rights and IP

Right to Culture and Freedom of Arts and Sciences: Participation and Access

Mme Caterina Sganga

Assistant Professor at Central European University’s (CEU) Legal Studies Department and at CEU Business School (Budapest, Hungary)

Right to Development and IP Law: What Implications for the Multilateral Framework?

M. Ahmed Abdel Latif

Senior Programme Manager for Innovation, Technology and Intellectual Property at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) (Geneva, Switzerland)

Questions team 9 / Discussion

M. Franck Macrez

Associate Professor at the CEIPI, University of Strasbourg (France)

Freedom of Expression and Trademarks: Parody and Misappropriation of Signs

M. Martin Senftleben

Professor of Intellectual Property at the University of Amsterdam and Senior European Consultant at Bird & Bird (Netherlands)

Public Health and Trademarks: Australian Tobacco Plain Packaging Act and the TRIPS Agreement

M. Jeffrey M. Samuels

Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Intellectual Property Law and Technology at the University of Akron (USA) and Visiting Professor at the CEIPI, University of Strasbourg (France)

Questions team 10 / Discussion

M. Yann Basire

Associate Professor at the University of Orleans (France) and Lecturer at the CEIPI, University of Strasbourg (France)

MODULE IV: Looking Forward: Implementing Intellectual Property Provisions in Human Rights Instruments


M. Christophe Geiger

Associate Professor, Director General and Director of the Research Department of the CEIPI, University of Strasbourg (France)