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Gas Science/Technology of Porous Coordination Polymers

M. Susumu Kitagawa

Kyoto University

Durée :

France-Japan Joint Forum on Chemistry of Functional Organic Chemicals

Du au

ISIS, Strasbourg

JSPS - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

hemical science and industry have been contributing to the improvement of humans’ life through the discovery and manufacture of functional organic chemicals. The most typical example in the 19th century should be the discovery and manufacture of synthetic dyes, which exhibit a coloring function. This success prompted chemists to isolate aromatics and heteroaromatics from coal tar, one of untapped resources at that time, and to apply them to the synthesis of other functional organic chemicals. As a result, marvelous development has been achieved in synthetic organic chemistry and organo-chemical industry, especially in the fields of synthetic dyes and synthetic pharmaceuticals. The most remarkable example in the 20th century was given by Wallace H. Carothers who invented 6,6-nylon; this invention stimulated remarkable development in synthetic polymers with a toughness function and promoted the progress in petrochemistry and petrochemical industry. In view of the history of chemical science and industry mentioned above, molecular functions, on which most of chemists have to focus their attention now, can be extended to biological and physical functions at a molecular level in addition to chemical functions...


Thème(s) : Chimie

Sciences fondamentales

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences


Welcome address

M. Yoichi Nakatani

Director of the JSPS Strasbourg Office, JSPS Société Japonaise pour la Promotion de la Science

Welcome address

M. Hiroshi Karube

Consul General of Japan in Strasbourg

Welcome address

M. Régis Reau

Director of Institute of Chemistry, CNRS

Welcome address

M. Henri Dreyfus

Representative of the Mayor of Strasbourg

Welcome address

M. François Loos

vice-President of Conseil Régional d’Alsace

Welcome address

M. Kazuhiko Saigo

former Chair of 116th Committee of JSPS

Welcome address

M. Motoyuki Ono

President of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Welcome address

M. Eric Westhof

Vice-président Vice-président "Recherche et formation doctorale" of University of Strasbourg


Recent Progress in Cooperative Asymmetic Catalysis

M. Masakatsu SHIBASAKI

Institute of Microbial Chemistry

Gas Science/Technology of Porous Coordination Polymers

M. Susumu Kitagawa

Kyoto University

Perspectives in Molecular Tectonics

M. Mir Wais Hosseini


Self-Assembly of Molecular-Based Functional Materials

M. Takashi Kato

The University of Tokyo