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The person, even though sick, is in full capacity to participate in the decision process

Chairs: Mrs Lisette Geldof van Doorn (The Netherlands), member of the Bureau of the CDBI Prof. Pavel Martasek (Czech Republic), member of the Bureau of the CDBI

Durée :

Symposium on decision making process regarding medical treatment in end of life situations

Du au

Room 1, Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg

CDBI - Comité Directeur pour la Bioéthique du Conseil de l'Europe

In Europe, most deaths occur in health care institutions.

While advances in medicine offer us more effective treatment and increased life expectancy, more of us die in hospital than anywhere else, following increasingly lengthy periods of treatment. In end-of-life situations, in view of the possibilities for improving the patient’s state of health and quality of life, an issue is whether treatment should be withheld or withdrawn. Another issue to be addressed is whether to start treatment whose main purpose is to alleviate pain but which may also have the effect of shortening the patient’s life.

What criteria should be applied when deciding to begin, limit or withdraw medical treatment in end-of-life situations? Who are the actors participating in such decision? Doctors, care teams, patients, relatives - what should be their respective role in the process? What should happen when patients are not able to express their will? And how can patient’s previously expressed wishes be taken into account?

Health professionals, patients’ associations, sociologists and lawyers – representatives of all these relevant sectors will be attend this symposium to launch a Europe-wide debate on these issues, favouring an approach based on practical examples. The aim of the symposium will be to clarify concepts in order to dispel potential misunderstandings, and to identify points of convergence and, where they exist, divergences. The conclusions of the symposium could then be used as a basis for the elaboration of guidelines on the decision-making process concerning medical treatment in end-of-life situations.


Thème(s) : Éthique

Sciences de la santé et du sport

Producteur : Université de Strasbourg

Réalisateur : Colloques et Conférences


Scope of the symposium

Mme Tina Garani-Papadatos

Présidente du CDBI, (Grèce) Chair of the CDBI

Session 1 Introduction


M. Stein Kaasa

Professeur en Médecine Palliative, Hôpital Universitaire de Trondheim, (Norvège) Professor in Palliative Medicine, Trondheim

Mme Isabelle Erny

Coordinatrice pour l’organisation du Symposium, Responsable du Pôle bioéthique et droits des malades, Division droits, éthique et appui juridique, Ministère de la Santé et des Sports, (France) Head of the Department of bioethics and patient's rights in the law, ethical and legal support Division, Ministry of Health and Sports

Medical end-of-life decisions: Conceptual clarifications and ethical implications

M. Eugenijus Gefenas

Vice-Président du CDBI, (Lituanie) Vice-Chair of the CDBI

Session 2 : Nature of possible decisions in end of life situations


M. Andreas Valentin

Directeur Médical, Unité Générale et Médicale de Soins Intensifs, Hôpital Rudolfstiftung, Vienne, (Autriche) Medical Director, General and Medical Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Rudolfstiftung, Vienna

Mme Inez de Beaufort

Professeur d’Ethique des Soins de Santé, Centre Médical Erasmus, Rotterdam, (Pays-Bas) Full Professor of Health Care Ethics, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam

Session 3 : Person can participate in the decision

The person is in a situation that affect or limit his/her capacity to express will

Pr. Thérèse St Laurent Gagnon

(Canada), Professeur Associé de Pédiatrie et de Bioéthique, Université de Montréal Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Bioethics, University of Montreal

The person is in a situation that affect or limit his/her capacity to express will

M. Ergun Özsunay

Professeur de Droit Civil Comparé et de Droit Privé UE, Faculté Universitaire de Droit, Istanbul, (Turquie) Professor of Civil Comparative Law and EU Private Law, University Faculty of Law, Istanbul


M. Jochen Vollmann

Psychiatre et spécialiste d’éthique médicale, Institut d’Ethique Médicale, Université de Bochum, (Allemagne) Psychiatrist and Specialist of Ethical Medicine, Institute of Ethical Medicine, Bochum University

Pr. Thérèse St Laurent Gagnon

(Canada), Professeur Associé de Pédiatrie et de Bioéthique, Université de Montréal Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Bioethics, University of Montreal

Session 4 : the person cannot take part in the decision


Pr. Pablo Simón Lorda

Professeur de Bioéthique, Service Citoyenneté & Ethique, Ecole andalouse de Santé Publique, Grenade, (Espagne) Lecturer on Bioethics, Department of Citizenship & Ethics. Andalusian School of Public Health, Granada


Mme Dianne Gove

(Luxembourg) Alzheimer Europe


Mme Irma Pahlman

Directrice exécutive, HIV-Foundation, (Finlande) Executive director, HIV-Foundation

Pr. Pablo Simón Lorda

Professeur de Bioéthique, Service Citoyenneté & Ethique, Ecole andalouse de Santé Publique, Grenade, (Espagne) Lecturer on Bioethics, Department of Citizenship & Ethics. Andalusian School of Public Health, Granada